Welcome, I am Sally-Anne Kearns

a certified Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner


I share this, only for you to appreciate how hard I looked to understand my own health, and how equipped I now am to help you with yours.

Looking over my health history and the last nearly 40 years, it started pretty young, at the age of 6 I presented with a rare autoimmune condition which the doctors thought was leukemia, I was in the hospital on and off with bone marrow tests, frequent blood analysis and heavily medicated for over 6 months, I put on a lot of weight/inflammation at the time, particularly around my face.

This then morphed into unexplained food sensitivies, mood disorders, later an eating disorder, mental health conditions, addictions, an unhealthy body image and so much more, all my daily version of normal.

Heading into my 20's I started having debilitating migraines which were so severe they lead to chronic anxiety attacks, often being hospitalised, all around my menstrual cycle. 

Thousands of dollars spent on MRI's, blood tests, specialists, to no avail, I recall one GP telling me that my anxiety attacks were 'because I was approaching 30 and that I wanted to have children'.

With no luck in the conventional medicine space, I then took the natural health route, bowen, reiki, massage, Chinese medicine/acupuncture, naturopathy and more, the whole time my skin had hormonal acne that I found embarrassing, particularly leading into my 30's!

Mid 30's I fell pregnant with my first son, upon routine tests I was informed that my platelets had dropped very low and that my autoimmune condition had re-presented, there was a significant birth risk should there be any complications that my blood would be unable to clot, therefore I could bleed out and die. Not exactly the calming news you wanted to hear before birthing your first child. Every person I asked about my diet indicated what I ate had no baring on my health and that the consumption of gluten would not change anything. 

After selling my real estate business and leaving a career of 22 years, heavily pregnant, my two cats in the back of the car driving from Sydney to Melbourne to start the next chapter with my now-husband, I stumbled upon a podcast, The Quirky Journey, I could not stop listening as I nodded along in tears to a naturopath sharing her hormonal journey and the consequences they also experienced, very similar to my unexplained normal. It felt at the time like a game of Tetris, all of my life symptoms dropping into a well-formed explanation, I continued listening for years on end to anything I could find on natural health, I just never stopped being curious.

I had never really been taught how to cook, nor about nutrition, now being a mother and wife and really with a driving need to take responsibility for my own health, my priority had shifted, to assist my health we embarked onto the GAPS protocol, I engaged a GAPS coach, I only cooked and consumed whole foods from scratch, no gluten no dairy, months and months on end, some symptoms resolved or alleviated but never ceased altogether which confused me as we were eating so well!

Then I fell pregnant with my second son, post-birth I also suffered severe postnatal depression and anxiety again, I also again had challenges breastfeeding past the 3-month mark and was prescribed pharmaceuticals which never felt like an option I wished to take. I was looking for a way to create income via the health and wellness route, I came across a whole food nutrition supplement which I started taking, looking back, I was so depleted that I had almost immediate benefits in my energy, skin and mental health. These wins further encouraged my need to understand nutrition and its functional benefit to our bodies and mental health, particularly post-birth where our depletion levels are often the highest. 

After much deliberation I joined the Nutritional Therapy Association Australia and pursued with vigor the course and what I have since discovered:-

  • Every symptom is a clue

  • We each have the power to heal ourselves

  • It is not complicated, however, it is change (and work) and at times it can be overwhelming

  • Everyone is bio-individual, no one dietary approach is right for all people

  • The magic happens when we tune into how particular foods make us feel

  • When we remove our dietary and environmental burdens, we begin to heal, rapidly!

I knew to help others I needed a hands-on approach, a bio-individual strategy, meeting people with where they are at with an opportunity to show a keen mind for detail and detective work, and a true need to simply, truly and passionately help people live a better life. 

As a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, my biggest passion is implementing simple solutions for women and family health to ensure we are able to show up and wear the many hats we do in this day and age. My belief is that when we support the body through the health choices we make, the body begins to heal, I have experienced this with my own health and for so many others. I feel we want to complicate it, however, when we nurture our connection and values around health, we make better decisions for ourselves, our families, and crowd out the noise of confusion when it comes to our food choices. 

Let me hold your hand in wellness, if your discomfort is as strong as mine was, then you are definitely in the right place. 

What People Are Saying


Let me paint you a picture..

My typical day used to start when my 3 young boys woke me up around 6am. I’d groan and wish for a few more hours sleep because I was just sooo tired. I didn’t sleep very well the night before and I was sore all over.
I would be in a very flat, negative mood from the moment my eyes opened. I had no energy, no patience.. I just wanted to sleep all day or at least sit down. We stayed home in our PJs most days and it sent the boys stir crazy. It was a high tension household. If I got the opportunity to have an adult conversation, it was almost pointless as I’d be so foggy I would get half way through a sentence and forget what I was about to say. My husband would arrive home from work to a strung out wife and crazy kids. We would have “easy” food (aka junk) for dinner every night as I was too flat, tired and lazy to cook anything else. I would eat anything the boys left on their plate as well as my own meal. I was depressed, anxious, stressed, bloated and felt worthless.
But NOW... I’m up before my boys each morning, I get dressed and ready for the day and then I’m usually enjoying my fast healthy breakfast, thanks to the smoothie recipes. The boys wake up in a joyful mood and they always ask for their soft chews after breakfast. I exercise for 45mins, 5 times a week. At first it was a chore but now I really look forward to it! I’ve noticed so many changes in myself, physically and mentally. I’m fitter and stronger.. I’m a HAPPIER Mum, wife and friend. Which means my kids and husband are happier too! Im starting to love myself the way I deserve. I’m not yelling like a banshie at the boys all day and we actually get out of the house each day! I run and play with them too, instead of sitting and watching.
I no longer lose my train of thought, I’m relying on my calendar less and less (YAY for having a memory again!) and I finally feel like ME again.

A while ago, I was going through my cupboard and found a heap of “pre-baby” clothes. I hadn’t fit into them for over 4 years and I figured I never would, so I was going to donate them. Hubby said to hold onto them. Well.. I’m glad I did because THEY FIT!! 😱😭🥰
The last time I was under 70kg was in 2015!
So, to say the last 6 weeks have changed my life for the better is an understatement ❤️

Ps- I used to think the fruit and veg tubs in the fridge were a waste of space.. now I’m wondering why they didn’t make them bigger! 😂

Massive thank you to Sally-Anne!! You’ve been so supportive from the very beginning. Couldn’t have done it without you, I’m SO grateful! (So is my family ❤️)

— Kirsty R.

I firstly want to say a HUGE Thank You to my mentor Sally-Anne Kearns for inviting me on this journey. Your support, belief and encouragement has made a huge impact on my life! I began this challenge with the Juice Plus premium capsules and the goal to loose up to 5kg and get more sustained energy throughout the day - I am proud to share that I have accomplished both! I am a busy mum to one little boy (4 years) and work full time. I was committed to the challenge to the best of my ability and was blown away when I completed my 'after' measurements/fitness skills. I was particularly astounded by the cm difference that I had achieved off my body mass - my confidence has skyrocketed and I feel at home in my body! I felt relatively fit to begin and also ate relatively healthy but I know that I wouldn't have achieved this in such a short period of time without the guidance of Sally-Anne and that is something I am extremely grateful for. I feel like a new me (or the old me) ...but either way, I feel amazing!! 😀🙌🧘‍♀️🤸‍♀️💗🌷🌱🙏

— Ari Mcq.


Beginning my journey to better health with Sally-Anne has been wonderful. She is attentive, considerate, compassionate, and willing to work with me at my own pace. I have found my experience so far to be absolutely fascinating, both because of the human body’s ability to speak without words, and a Nutritional Therapist’s skill to hear what is being said and translate that into practical steps to improve overall well-being. I am excited to continue to work with Sally-Anne, to better my health, and the health of my family.

— Casey A.

Nutrition Solutions for

Weight loss, hormonal health, more energy, better quality sleep, sugar cravings, skin improvement, mental health, nutrition decisions, addictions, childrens health, recipes, pre-conception, inflammation, fatigue, and many others!

Motivation comes from knowledge — and I’m here to help you activate it.

Chat with me

No pressure, no commitment, just two people having a chat about their health outcomes and determining if we can hold hands in the process.